our little blessing, Brayden Jay~Allen, grows and grows...

Brayden's first middle name is in honor of our pastor;
Pastor Jay Williamson.
He has discipled us and has been used by God to challenge our hearts to live holy and committed lives for Jesus Christ.
Pastor Jay, thank you for your ministry and for being a great example to us both!
Brayden's second middle name is in honor of
Jason Allen Williamson.
Our very good friend who is serving, with his family,
as missionaries in PNG.
Both him and his wife, Nisae,
have also been a great example of Christ like faith and
have been inspirational in our lives.
God has used them to plant the seeds and
challenge our hearts in tribal missions.
We love you guys!
Pastor Jay Williamson.

He has discipled us and has been used by God to challenge our hearts to live holy and committed lives for Jesus Christ.
Pastor Jay, thank you for your ministry and for being a great example to us both!
Brayden's second middle name is in honor of
Jason Allen Williamson.

Our very good friend who is serving, with his family,
as missionaries in PNG.
Both him and his wife, Nisae,
have also been a great example of Christ like faith and
have been inspirational in our lives.
God has used them to plant the seeds and
challenge our hearts in tribal missions.
We love you guys!
As of last week , the 30th, I was dilated to 2 and 30% effaced. Good news but it still could take a few weeks.
Today the 6th, 3 weeks from my original due date, I went in and the baby is already estimated to be 7-71/2 pounds, at least. My next appointment is Monday the 12th with plans to induce on Tuesday the 13th. We'll see, maybe he'll decide to come sooner... we can only hope.
Today the 12th, the doctor has chosen to wait one more week. He has promised to induce, if the baby doesn't come on his own, on the 20th. Our 8th wedding anniversary!
We've been praying that the Lord would give the doctor wisdom and we believe He has. Excited and anxious to see our little guy whenever the Lord decides to bring him. Thank you for all your prayers.
Healthy? Yes, both of us have been very healthy through out the whole pregnancy! Infact, with the other boys my blood pressure was a concern...with this one my blood pressure is great!
Cravings? Not really... the first 1/2 of the pregnancy I ate lowfat yogurt all the time. Recently, I've noticed I've been eating a lot of cereal and could live off of lowfat yogurt ice cream! During the whole pregnancy...fruit ALWAYS sounds delicious! I hated watermelon before but now I love it; as long as its sweet.