Our Hands and Feet in Papua New Guinea

Please pray for them as they have just arrived,
as full time missionaries in the country of Papua New Guinea,
and are adjusting to life over seas.


Hope this email encourages your heart
as much as it does ours!

Hello from Beautiful Papua New Guinea!!!

We made it here safe and sound on Sunday, 5 days ago with all our luggage. Our flights went very smoothly, although it was very long (34 hours from start to finish)! We praise the Lord for his faithfulness during this time. It was so amazing to see the Lord go before us with his grace and goodness during our flight! Thank you so much for your prayers it was encouraging knowing that so many of you had us in your prayers. The kids did great and slept quite a bit on all the flights. On the flight from Detroit to Chicago, both Judah and Eden fell asleep right before take off and woke up when we landed! We couldn’t believe it. We thought Kadynn would be apprehensive about flying, but she liked it and did fine. We finally arrived Sunday at 11 AM (our time…14 hours ahead of EST) we thought that we would never get here!! We got off the plane in Goroka tired but so excited to be here to begin our ministry!

The culture here is amazing. We’ve seen things we thought we would only see in the tribe. (We live just outside Goroka on a New Tribes Base called Sobega for the next year or so) It’s awesome to finally be here, and it seems strange still. We still have some jetleg which makes us feel like we’re on a boat. It will also take us some time to get acclimated to the attitude (5,000 ft). The Kids absolutely love it here and enjoy playing outside almost all day. They also like looking at all the new bugs and chasing geckos! The weather is great, about 75-85 during the day with little humidity and cooling off to about 60 at night. Our house is comfortable with 2 bedrooms and bunkbeds for Kadynn and Judah. The people here are very friendly… they shake our hands and tell us their names. I actually met a man names Jihu, who has a sister named Nisae (what are the odds of that?). The women love holding Eden and pulling on her arms and legs. Kadynn is very clingy when we’re around the people, but Judah loves giving them five and saying Hi to everyone. Eden will go to anyone for a minute or two, but then quickly changes her mind J Please pray for them, that they will continue to adjust and begin loving the people we’re surrounded by. I cooked my first meal tonight, and it took about 1 ½ hours! (Bean burritos) I had to make the tortillas and sour cream from scratch. The food is really expensive here, we paid $9 for peanut butter and $7 for a box of cheerios. Overall, We are doing good, and learning to be patient with the differences. We celebrated my birthday yesterday, our partners had a party, complete with cake and icecream! Jason even remembered to buy me a present in the States

Within the next week or so we will begin our National Language study; we will spend time with the national people learning Tok Pisin. We are excited about this and look forward to getting to know many of the national people who live around this area. Please pray that we can have an impact in people lives even during this time. Also pray that we will find good and helpful language helpers to meet with each week.

We love and miss you all! Please drop us an email – thank you so much for your prayers and support and the part that you play on this team!

Lukim yu (goodbye) - Your hands and feet in PNG
Jason, Nisae, Kadynn, Judah & Eden Williamosn