Walking In Faith
We are so amazed by God's continued faithfulness in our lives! He has kept us here, in training, for over a year now! Isn't that exciting!Our Home!
A little over a year an a half ago we decided that we wanted to take the next step... and sell our home. Which would enable us to move forward in training for missions. We planned to sell our home and have enough money to pay off the house and to pay all our tuition for Bible school. Well, we still have our house. God hasn't allowed it to sell and we are at rest with that. Through us not selling our home He has shown us His continued faithfulness and has grown our faith in who He is! We rejoice that we are in His will and can rest assured that He will take care of selling our home in His perfect timing!
At present our house is vacant and we are still paying a monthly mortgage. Please, continue to pray that God would provide additional finances to pay our school bill.
Brayden's Hearing!
Brayden just had another visit to the ear specialist on Thursday. Two test confirmed that he passed and CAN hear in both ears now! Praise God...!!! We also have been able to wean him off of his gas and acid reflux medications!!!!!
Hearing God's Word...
is life changing and we can both tell you that we will never be the same people we were before we came to this place. Sitting under God's Word has changed and challenged our every motive, thought & action in our daily walks.God has blessed us with some really awesome friends that just so happen to be our teachers (co-labors)! He continues to use them in our lives. We love to seek advice and answers to many of our questions from the insights of these people. We appreciate their ministry so much!
Ask us! We would love to share with you what we are learning!
is loving childcare and is trying to complete full sentences. He loves to still do EVERYTHING his older brother does. His favorite thing to do is to pick up and play with ANY bug/insect he can find. Dead or alive! Its pretty crazy...the kid is fearful of a slip'n slide but not bugs/insects.
Every day we have our work cut out for us with how defiant and strong willed he can be. We are doing the best we can to be very consistent while trusting God for wisdom and strength.
is still our big helper! He loves to do crafts, cook, shower, play with bugs, play soccer and wrestle with dad and Ethan and do just about anything with his good friend Karter!
He is able to read 3 letter words now and is getting closer to being able telling time. However, I do need to teach the poor kid how to tie his shoelaces :) He is privileged ( paid for by Karter's parents) to be able to attend a homeschooling group, called Kidworks, all day every Monday. Him and Karter ride with our good friend and staff lady Michelle Hobbs an hour away to Grand Ledge, MI. There he learns things like... Music, Art, Spanish, Writing, History, Science and Gym! Wow...he loves it! Marilyn, my good friend and Karter's mother, still meets with the boys once a week to work on math, phonics and any other homework they have from kidworks. What a blessing and he's having a great time!
Boy's Health
Tis the season for once again sickness to run rampant here at school. Ethan was really sick for 5 days and has had to go back on a daily steroid for asthma. Brayden has a double ear infection,congestion, sneezing, coughing and a runny nose. Poor little guy.
He is being treated with antibiotics so we hope to see improvement real soon! Praying for our health is much appreciated!
Thanking the Lord for providing us with health insurance and perseverance through many sleepless nights!
Busy, busy busy!
Unfortunately, we are very busy and can't keep you posted much more than once a month. Aaron is looking forward to adding another post with some exciting things that God is teaching him and our family! Coming soon... so be watching for it!

I also have another good friend named, Ciara who is preparing to go on in the training as well. Please pray for her as she

Sorry, I wish I had a picture of her.