The Kids!
They are doing great! Austin just had his 5th birthday, Ethan's 2 year old temperment is getting better and Brayden is smiling!
We are pretty healthy as of right now...we are all getting over having sore throats and bad coughs. Praise the Lord, no one had to miss class this week!
Classes are back in session and we are crazy busy once again.
We are studying the New Testiment and are really enjoying it! These are the classes we are taking this semester...
II Corinthians
Family Relations
Doctrine III Soteriology
Doc III Angelology
Doc III Pneumatology
I & II Peter
Intro to New Tribes Mission
And our electives are :
*Ruth/Song of Solomon/Ecclesiates
Prayer Practicum
We love having the opportunity to be here... its the BEST YEAR(S) OF OUR LIVES...so far!
Praise! We had to have our huge down-payment for school down last Monday the 21st. God blessed us with $900 on our school bill over the summer but that fell short by $1200. They gave us until Wednesday (30th) to pay the remaining balance. Tuesday afternoon we found that God provided, by 3 anonymous donations, all but $250 of our downpayment! Again, we are so encouraged by how He chooses to keep us here and we are so excited to tell the lost just how great He is!
The Lord has supplied us with plenty of grocieries, a beautiful dinning room table (a freshman couple, here at NTBI, gave to us), a dryer and dishwasher (Aaron fixed up!) that was donated to our church and (today) a washing machine from staff friends here at NTBI!
Wow, we don't need any of this to survive or live on but God loves each of us so much that he just blesses us with these useful things to make life a bit easier! What a blessing!