Sawade July a ton of photos!

Drop us an would be so encouraging to hear from you!

Wow, classes start in just about 4 weeks . We can't believe the summer break is coming to an end so soon. As we reflect back on the last couple months we are humbled by the Lord's faithfulness and for His amazing provisions that enable us to stay here in training.

We are so excited to start classes again and to learn much more about who Jesus Christ really is. Please pray for us to understand what we are learning and for our family as we adjust to a very tight schedule again.

Please, pray for Aaron. While working on a side job two weeks ago he got poison ivy all over the left side of his body (arm, chest and legs) and as spread to the right. It looks better but his skin is extremely damaged, still raised and itches. Please, pray that he will not be permanently scared and for total healing.

We would appreciate your prayers for Brayden. The little guy is presently on four different medications and has an upcoming surgery consultation August 15th at U of M.
The medicine is helping to manage severe gas pains, acid reflux, thrush and conjunctivitis. The medication seems to be helping but we are praying that the Lord would allow him to be taken off all medication soon.

Please continue to pray for our house in Toledo to sell. Aaron will be heading down to Toledo in a week or so to re-roof the house. We are so grateful that God has provided finances and a few volunteer laborers to help with this huge task, which they plan on doing Aug. 4th & 5th. Pray that they can complete it in the 2 days planned. Safety is our only concern. Please be in prayer for complete safety for all who are graciously considering helping us. If you are interested in helping, you can send us an email or give us a call.
While down in Toledo Aaron will be spending a few days getting the house ready to be put back on the market. Presently, the house is in poor condition and needs a lot of work. Please, pray for us to remain faithful in trusting God to work all this out with in the next four weeks.

We also will be traveling to Warsaw, New York to help Aaron's parents. They just moved to pastor a new church and need help partitioning their basement into many different rooms. We will be their for one full week during the middle of August.

With such a busy schedule we had to pass on a one week missions trip to Missouri, in August. The youth group, from or church in Jackson, is heading down to the New Tribes Mission Training Center (MTC). Helping out w/ the building of new apartments. This is were we plan to be in the fall of 2007! We were really excited about the possible opportunity but are learning to trust in His PERFECT timing in every area.

Thank each of you for your faithful prayers and how you make us staying here possible. God has really used you to challenge our hearts and to keep us focused. As we embark on a new chapter at Bible School we hope that you too will be encouraged by all God is doing.

Love the Sawades