Hello to all our friends,
We'd like to share some news!
Emme (pron. Emmy) Grace was born Sunday, July 16 at 6:32 pm! She was 8lb. 5oz. and 21 1/2 in. long. We have had a wirlwind of a week of wonderful joys and sobering scares. A cleft pallet was discovered in the back of Emme's mouth on Monday. Since then we've been finding out that this is a very common
birth deffect and that it is easily corrected with surgery by their first birthday. There may be other difficulties along the way with speech or hearing. Right now though, she is struggling with spitting up and choking, sometimes to the point of not breathing. We don't know if this is related to the cleft pallet. This has been the most trying and scary of all. We have had to take shifts and never let her out of our sight night or day. We thank God for allowing us to catch every episode of choking so far. Beth's mom is staying here right now for which we are truly thankful. Please pray that we will discover why Emme is choking and that as she gains strength, she will be able to cough and work these out herself. We are so thankful for our new little girl and are trusting in God's loving hands and wise bestowment.
birth deffect and that it is easily corrected with surgery by their first birthday. There may be other difficulties along the way with speech or hearing. Right now though, she is struggling with spitting up and choking, sometimes to the point of not breathing. We don't know if this is related to the cleft pallet. This has been the most trying and scary of all. We have had to take shifts and never let her out of our sight night or day. We thank God for allowing us to catch every episode of choking so far. Beth's mom is staying here right now for which we are truly thankful. Please pray that we will discover why Emme is choking and that as she gains strength, she will be able to cough and work these out herself. We are so thankful for our new little girl and are trusting in God's loving hands and wise bestowment.
In His care,
Garrett, Beth, Gabe, and Emme